Fans of the Dead: Farewell by Tom Waterhouse

Found this work of art while searching on Google. This beautiful and gritty artwork was done by Tom Waterhouse aka 2D Forever. This short comic strip is based on the bad ending in the first House of the Dead game if you performed poorly. Here’s his description.

“This is the anti-climatic ending to the original “the House of the Dead” –still my favourite in the series. After slaying a few hundred zombies and stopping the evil scientist, Curien, this is what you get for your efforts… I love it. It just smacks you in the face –your game is done, but poor Rogan (the protaganist you’ve been playing as) has nothing anymore. There were multiple endings, but all began with the same bleak outlook for Rogan. If you’re really unlucky, you get an additional part to the ending where you see Rogan’s fiancée, Sophie, as a zombie. That really freaked me out the first time I saw that one…

Anyway, this was a quick tribute to what I think is a great and simple ending. I wanted to see if I could get the story across effectively in comic form. I think it works ok, what do you think?”

Planning to fit the story in comic form? Yes, do that please!

Check out more of his art @ and follow him on Twitter.

House of the Dead Official Movie Comic Prequel

Remember that awful adaptation of the House of the Dead movie directed by Uwe Boll? I don’t wanna remember it either (Just watched the movie the last week X[) Anyway, there’s a prequel comic for promotional uses that takes place before the events of the movie. The story begins with five ravers heading to the island where the rave party is taking place. As they entered the island, two ravers stumble upon a zombie. One female raver decides to stick her finger in the zombie mouth and the zombie then bites and kills the two ravers. The other three went to check out the situation only to see the other two ravers disemboweled. Suddenly, a zombie appears behind one of the ravers and kills him by shoving it’s hand through his mouth. With only two ravers left, they tried to leave the island. Angela tries to run away with the last raver only to be killed by possibly a Kageo (the mummified creature). With one raver standing, he escaped along with a woman who lived in the island who was surprisingly a zombie. The last raver then met his end.

The comic is only a few pages and while I still don’t like the setting in both the movie and this comic, I liked how some of the creatures/zombies are drawn like the ones from the game. Some even looked like the Sam, Samson, and Kageo series. I’ll probably scan this comic later for download. For now, check out a preview from the book.

So far I have all three House of the Dead comics/manga. I actually wanted to share another secret, there was a time where The House of the Dead series actually made a cameo in Archie’s Sonic the Hedgehog comic book series issue #50.

That’s it for now, the next comic I will show off is the Prelude to OVERKILL.

Play as Sophie and G #2 in the arcade version of The House of the Dead

The House of the Dead has amazing replay value as you blast away Dr. Curien’s evil experiments and creatures throughout the mansion, but have you ever wanted to play as different characters other than Thomas Rogan and G? Well you can! You can play as Sophie Richards and a alternate Agent G. Just head in to your local arcade that has The House of the Dead and enter the following codes for either player. *NOTE* These characters are skins for the existing characters that you play as throughout the entire game. Just a heads up if your wondering why Sophie has Rogan or G’s voice.

Remember that the codes must be entered at the title screen after you inserted a credit and The following code must be entered very quickly in order to work properly. The directions in the code correspond to a player’s gun trigger. ”Left” is Player 1’s trigger, and ”Right” is Player 2’s trigger.



You can play as more characters on the Sega Saturn and PC version by using the SATURN/PC mode. I have stats for all the characters for those modes, so stay tuned.

Sonic the Comic Online’s The House of the Dead Web Comic

Sonic the Comic Online not only created and continued the UK Sonic the Comic series by Fleetway since its discontinuation in 2002. But, that doesn’t stop them from making other Sega franchises into comic strips. Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you the House of the Dead Webcomic by Robert Frazer and Lisa Lee.

The story takes place after the events of The House of the Dead III in the year 2018. In London, where the remaining AMS agents and surviors continue to fight for mankind against the vile creatures and new enemies known as the Ressurection Men.


Thomas Rogan
Experienced, heroic, and downright dangerous, AMS agent Rogan has been fighting the zombies since 1998. He just rescued his wife and is returning home…

Sophie Rogan
Originally a scientist, twenty years of zombie fighting with AMS has turned her into a dangerous combatant –but fighting zombies has never been as challenging as being a mother! She recently learnt about a threat called NAOMI.

Lisa Rogan
She may be a normal light-hearted young girl, but growing up in the apocalypse has seen her grown into a skilled fighter.

Immaculately dressed and always cool, AMS agent G’s been fighting at Rogan’s side for over 20 years. He’s an inhumanly good shot, and was strangely unaffected by a severe psychic assault…

I’ve read bits of the strips and its pretty good. Both the storyline and artwork are dark and gritty. I’m glad to see fans from different countries contributing to The House of the Dead series. Click below for preview scans of the comic and the website.

STC Online! HotD comic:

The House of the Dead III: The Cell Shaded Beta Version

In my previous blog, I’ve shown you all the beta footage of The House of the Dead III for the arcades and Xbox which featured Lisa and G fullfilling other character roles in the game before they were developed and different level layouts. And now, I want to let you all know a trivial fun fact. Did you guys know that The House of the Dead III was originally made as a cell-shaded game? Yes, it is indeed true. While developing the game for arcades and Xbox back in 2003, Sega intended to make the next installment of the series into a arcade shooter with cell-shaded graphics simliar to Sega’s other franchise, Jet Set Radio, but shelved the graphics due to its cartoony feel which strained from The House of the Dead series. Click below for screenshots of the cell-shaded and original beta.

Source: Unseen64

Another HotD mobile game? ~ The House of the Dead: Nightmare

While stumbling upon google searching for screenshots of The House of the Dead MOBILE produced by Sega of Japan. I happened to find this game out of nowhere. It’s called “The House of the Dead: Nightmare” I’ve managed to pop an emulator from my personal computer and played this bad boy. It happens to be quite enjoyable. The plot is similar to the original The House of the Dead game and the mobile game where you have to move in a 360 degree angle to shoot incoming enemies. The only differences in Nightmare is that it’s solely a 2D scrolling game similar to Galaga and the plot only focuses on Rogan only (Sorry G fans). The game also seems to be developed by the Sega China/Korea division that made Shinobi for mobile phones based on the art style. Here’s gameplay footage of Shinobi mobile.

Overall, this game is a fun game to play and has a classic arcade feel to it. The House of the Dead fans would definitely enjoy this game. Click below for screenshots.